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The silting up of the Dutch and EU road networks is partly caused by car ownership and the pricing of use. The more economical the car, the less it costs to use "this holy cow" for living / working or a shopping trip. With EVs it gets even worse, they are more expensive to buy, but after purchase and available on the doorstep .. driving it around will only cost you penny's. This convenience most certainly will lead to a higher yearly mileage per car.

Well, clear.. the percentage gain in CO2 ... (well-to-wheel in NL approx. 50 g / km) will quickly "vaporise on the motorway" 
Sophisticated / economically sustainable MaaS concepts would possibly compensate this. Unfortunately, the most leading MaaS initiatives still prove to be loss-making.
This is partly due to the subsidized public transport. And yes ... in government reports from decades ago it was already stated that public transport cannot provide a real solution for the growing  problems caused by traffic congestions. And also mentioned, building wider and more roads, only wil lead to temporary relief. 
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